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Counseling & Educational Therapist

Our Student Support team provides a variety of social, emotional, and career-readiness supports in order to help each student achieve success in life.

Damien Moses, SRA's educational therapist is responsible for assisting families and schools for better success by eliminating possible barriers to the learning process.

Jennifer Ailshire, our school counselor provides a broad range of support to students, including counseling, academic support and life skills development.

School Based Therapist/Clinician

Services are available to students through a partnership with ReDiscover Mental Health to provide community mental health services, case management, and therapy on site at SRA.

To inquire about accessing these services please contact the school counselor or administration.

Student Support

Damian Moses, Educational Therapist

Jennifer Ailshire, School Counselor

Phone: 816.986.4123
Fax:  816.986.4135